Finding a source of timber wood for art and sculpture or for wooden garden furniture or for commercial timber purposes can be problematic. You cannot, of course, go around like a lumberjack and cut down trees or cutting tree branches willy-nilly. Nor can you claim fallen timbers or wood cuts as your own without seeking appropriate permissions.

So, how do you source timber?
Your first course of action should be to check with your local tree surgeon. Many tree surgeons offer wood timber as a natural by-product of their trade.
- A tree surgeon obtains wood from sustainable, eco-friendly and legal sources.
- A tree surgeon is very knowledgeable about timber wood and will offer advice on which type of timber is best suited for your needs.
- A tree surgeon recognises rotten or diseased wood and will destroy it appropriately, and not offer it for re-use.
- A tree surgeon knows how to season wood and the quality of wood on offer is therefore likely to be very good.
- A tree surgeon can nearly always offer a wood cutting service and is therefore able to supply timber to your size requirements.
- A tree surgeon is usually a cheaper supplier of timber / wood cuts than most other sources.
- A tree surgeon can often offer a delivery service.
- A tree surgeon may take special orders and notify you when it becomes available.
Other sources of wood cuts or fallen timber can be:
Forestry Commission: unlikely to deal with small sales.
Country Estates: contact the Estates Manager to enquire.
Farmers and Landowners: tricky unless you know who may have wood available.
Wood Merchants: usually sell only dressed timber, but worth an enquiry.
Artists and Sculptors’ Suppliers: likely to be an expensive option.
Garden Centres: not their normal stock, but worth asking.
Advertisements: keep an eye on online and local ads, someone may be selling.
For timber wood for sale and free onsite tree surgery quotes, call 01224 460377 or contact us at Epic Tree Care.
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