Tree Planning Survey
Are you planning a new build, house extension or other development near to existing trees? Will your building work require trees to be felled or pruned? Will the roots of trees be affected by demolition, construction, excavation, or site machinery? If so, local planning authorities in Moray, Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City councils may require a tree survey with your planning application.
Our tree surgeons in Aberdeenshire can carryout tree surveys to accompany your planning application. All our tree planning surveys are carried out to BS5837 – Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction.
Epic Tree Care employs experienced practical tree experts to carry out pre-development tree surveys. We produce comprehensive surveys and reports depending on the stage of your building project and the complexity of the site.
Even if you don’t have any trees on your site, a pre-development tree survey can identify any neighbouring trees that will impact or be impacted by your development. Including utilities routes into the site, and access for construction vehicles and machinery.

Tree Planning in Moray & Aberdeenshire
It is much better to deal with any tree issues at the planning stage. An incomplete or inaccurate tree survey can leave you in breach of planning conditions or hold up developments at great cost.
Even if your council does not require a tree survey with your planning application, we can still help protect trees during building works. Many building contractors are not aware of the damage they can do through soil compaction, root severance and inexpert pruning. A tree survey can help avoid having an unsafe tree next to your new house, garage, or extension.
Epic Tree Care provides the following pre-development tree surveys and reports, in accordance with BS5837:
Pre-development tree survey and tree categorisation.
This survey identifies the location, species, and size of trees. The survey categorises trees according to BS5837, in a way that will be understood by your council planning officer.
Pre-development tree survey and tree categorisation.
This plan identifies the crown spread and Root Protection Areas for trees. It assesses how a proposed development will affect trees on the site, and vice versa. It identifies likely tree works. This report can be given back to your architect or project manager. It will inform their design, and they may make changes as a result.
Tree Protection Plan, Arboricultural Method Statement, and Arboricultural Impact Assessment
The report is based on your final architect’s plan. It assesses the impact of the development on trees and vice versa. It provides a plan, sequence of works and method statement to protect retained trees during works. The report will include pruning and felling specifications for any tree that requires works to facilitate your development.
If you are planning building works in Moray, Banffshire, Aberdeenshire or Aberdeen City, please get in touch for tree advice. Epic Tree Care can talk to you about your project and advise what tree surveys and reports you might need. This can help with your planning application and save costs and delays during building works.